quinta-feira, janeiro 27, 2005


Cara... ontem foi o dia da preguiça, mas hoje acordei no pique... cheguei na academia 9h30 da manhã e saí às 11h45... acordei com uma super vontade de ir à academia.. também fiz um monte de coisa... tava precisando dar uma suada.. acho que tou começando a ficar addicted a isso.. td bem que tô meio anestesiado de analgésico..rsrsrs, mas hoje a academia rendeu... não tô fazendo nada.. por incrível que pareça tá frio e chovendo aqui em Sampa... um porre.. e dizem que estamos no verão.

(Olivia Newton-John)

I'm saying all the things that I know you'll like, makin' good conversation
I gotta handle you just right, you know what I mean
I took you to an intimate restaurant, then to a suggestive movie
There's nothin' left to talk about, unless it's horizontally

Let's get physical, physical, I wanna get physical, let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk, let me hear your body talk

I've been patient, I've been good, tried to keep my hands on the table
It's gettin' hard this holdin' back, you know what I mean
I'm sure you'll understand my point of view, we know each other mentally
You gotta know that you're bringin' out the animal in me

Oh, let's get physical, physical, I wanna get physical, let's get into physical
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk, let me hear your body talk

Let's get animal, animal, I wanna get animal, let's get into animal
Let me hear your body talk, your body talk, let me hear your body talk

Let me hear your body talk
Let me hear your body talk

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